August 2015

Reading and Homework Assignment 1: Starting

by Mike Gleicher on August 28, 2015

Due: Tuesday, September 8th (note: this is unusual because of the Labor Day Holiday. Normally, Reading and Homework Assignments are due on Mondays). Synopsis: We have a lot of reading to do initially. Some stuff to understand how the course works, some stuff to get the basics of the math for graphics, and some stuff […]

Programming Assignment 1: Canvas

by Mike Gleicher on August 27, 2015

Due: Thursday, September 10th. (see the class late policy on the Syllabus) Synopsis: You need to create a program that draws a picture on a 2D Canvas on a Web page. Learning Objectives: To make sure everyone understands how to make pictures with Canvas, so we can make more interesting ones later. We also want […]

Collaboration Policy

by Mike Gleicher on August 27, 2015

Computer graphics is (usually) a team sport. In fact, learning computer graphics (and, arguably, learning in general) is best done in collaboration with others. Unfortunately, in a university class setting, we have the unfortunate constraint that we must grade individuals independently, so we need to have people work independently on graded assignments so that we […]

The Key Ideas of Computer Graphics (559 Learning Goals)

by Mike Gleicher on August 18, 2015

A list of the key ideas of Computer Graphics that we want students to understand in CS559. Work in convenient coordinate systems. Use transformations to get from where you want to be to where you need to be. Hierarchical modeling lets us build things out of pieces. Use homogeneous coordinates and transformations to make common operations […]


by Mike Gleicher on August 18, 2015

For this class, all readings will be made available to you via the web. For the textbooks, we will either use small portions (so we can provide the chapters via academic fair use), or Wendt Library has arranged to provide online versions of the book. So, you don’t need to buy any books. However, if […]

CS559 in JavaScript

by Mike Gleicher on August 16, 2015

For this year, CS 559 will be using web-based technologies exclusively for the programming assignments and projects in class. Yes, that means no C++ – you’ll be programming in JavaScript. We won’t teach you much JavaScript, but you will need to learn a bit. We’ll also provide you with some help in learning it (see […]

CS559 Course Web

by Mike Gleicher on August 16, 2015

This is the course web for the Fall 2015 edition of CS559. The course web page is the primary mechanism for communicating with the class. Students are responsible for the content on the web page. You can subscribe to announcements by either RSS or an email subscription. You are looking at the News page – […]

CS638 and Javascript

by Mike Gleicher on August 16, 2015

There is a tradition in 559 of making students pick up a new programming language in order to do the assignments for the class. Historically, we have provided a little help (pointers to books, help sessions). This semester we will try to provide another option. We are going to offer a 1 credit class (a […]