DC1 – Rough Drafts Feedback

by Mike Gleicher on October 17, 2017

Everyone who turned in something for the rough drafts got full score (4/4). In some cases, I noted some feedback that will hopefully help you improve what you do for the final thing. Here are the 4 comments that got made (these may apply to you even if I didn’t leave this comment):

  1. Try to make visualizations that are multi-variate. A single barchart, piechart or scatterplot can tell a story, but isn’t really very multi-variate. Even a chloropleth map has limited multi-variateness.
  2. Think about the clarity of the individual designs.
  3. If you’re making a comparison, think about how to choose a design that will make that comparison easiest for the viewer.
  4. It’s not clear why the data fits the design.

Because I didn’t have the writeups, and because I didn’t have much time to explore each one, and because they aren’t finished, it’s not clear when these different things apply – so if you think I gave feedback that was wrong, it might be – the feedback here is just a suggestion.

But for everyone… we’ll be looking for those 4 things when we do the grading on the final things. As the assignment says, we are looking for things that are multi-variate, have good design choices, and are interesting.

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