
This class has been assigned to the “Storm” laboratory in B240 Computer Sciences. 559 students have priority on these machines, so if the lab is full of CS302 students feel free to ask them to another lab.

You are free to work on other machines (such as your home computer or laptop) subject to the following caveats:

  1. Your code must build and run on the Storm machines. As far as we are concerned, if it doesn’t compile and run on a Storm, it doesn’t run.
  2. Working in the lab can be a good collaborative experience, and we encourage this kind of collaboration (see below).

Your programs must be written in C++ (since C is a proper subset of C++, that’s OK too). For some thoughts on C++, see the C++ hints page.

The compiler provided by the CSL for the storm labs is Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005. The department has a site license for Visual Studio that allows you to install it on your home machine/laptops. Contact the TAs to borrow the disks.

Note: that if you choose to develop your software using another compiler (or on a different machine), you still need to be able to compile your code in the storm labs. We cannot provide any help to you if you choose to use other tools.

We cannot support the sample code on machines other than Windows.

Please see the FAQ as well.

Page last modified on August 27, 2007, at 06:18 PM