This is an attempt to re-create the web page for CS559 from 2008.

The original course web was created in PMWIKI, which has been hard to maintain.

This site automatically converted the pages - the formatting is very different, but most of the content has copied over. Many links are broken.

The “Home Page” was Main.Main. You might also check out Site.AllPages.

The best way to find things is probably to search for it…


Updates: 9/30 - 1 Day extension given to everyone because of AFS service outage. 9/29 - Clarification on P2 grading 9/28 - Sample image requirements and questions are given 9/26 - Commentary on what it means to scale an image by a certain amount. It shouldn’t really be a big deal, and as long as you do something reasonable it will be OK. Read about the issue here. 9/24 - clarification on affine transforms Read more…


Basic (very basic) versions of the assignment are available in /p/course/cs559-gleicher/public/2008ImagingDemos better known as (for windows): P:\course\cs559-gleicher\public\2008ImagingDemos Some sample data files are in there too. 1.@ A Basic Resizer The basic resizer only implements point sampling / pixel replication. No prefiltering or interpolation. resize ski.tga ski_43.tga 0 4 3 4 3 ![]( ![]( Results from a less basic resizer doing upsampling (for a variety of filter kernels) are available here. Read more…


Programming Assignment 1: Practice The goal of this assignment is to give you a chance to practice usingthe tools that we’ll be using in CS559 for our “real” programs. Thecontent of the assignment is pretty minimal, but it will force you towrite C++ programs using the CSL supported tools, to read and writeimages using our library, to use OpenGL and FlTk, and to turn thingsin correctly for the class. Specifically, you need to write programs that: Read more…


GrTownCode . . . November 18, 2010, at 09:32 AM by BAD LINKBAD LINK: TrainFramework . . . October 26, 2009, at 03:25 PM by BAD LINKBAD LINK: WrittenCurvesTextureKey . . . December 17, 2008, at 01:05 PM by BAD LINKBAD LINK: WrittenCurvesTexture . . . November 13, 2008, at 10:02 AM by BAD LINKBAD LINK: GrTown . . . November 13, 2008, at 09:38 AM by BAD LINKBAD LINK: ShaderPractice . Read more…


Terminology for discrete scaling This is a minor annoyance, and I’m surprised in all of these years it hasn’t come up before. When we scale an image (say by a factor of 2), its not exactly clear what that means in terms of the sampling. Consider the 1D case: You might think of scaling by 2 as putting a new sample between each original sample, but this leads to a result that has 2*N-1 (rather than 2*N samples). Read more…


Shader Practice Since we’re learning about shaders in class, we figure that you want an opportunity to try writing them. There’s something particularly fun about making a whole bunch of processors on the GPU do a lot of computation for you. Besides, for project 4, you will need to make use of shaders. This practice assignment is meant to give you practice working with them, and to make sure you have the mechanics ironed out. Read more…


The goal of this assignment is just to make sure that everyone (including the Professor) can figure out Learn@UW. You need to log onto Learn@UW and do 3 things: View a document stored as a PDF file Take a “survey” that shows that you saw that PDF file Take a real survey that will help us in planning for this class OK, the only one that you really need to do is number 3. Read more…


CS559 Train Project - Framework Code written October 2008, by Mike Gleicher This provides a framework for the CS559 Train Project (described here). It is a simple systemthat provides all of the basic features so that students can add theirown train and other features. The user interface for this project is described at TrainUI. This code also serves as the basis for the example solution. When themacro “EXAMPLE_SOLUTION” is defined, a few extra files areincluded. Read more…


How the TrainUI works for the framework code and example solution October, 2008 - By Mike Gleicher See also: The discussion of the framework code at TrainFramework The source code for the framework is available inpub:train/ The executables for the framework and the example solution isavailable in pub:train/ You can also find the executablesin p:/course/cs559-gleicher/public/bin/Train2008. Camera Controls Right Mouse = ArcBall (rotates world) ALT-RightMouse = Pan (translate view) double click Right Mouse = reset view Mousewheel = Zoom In / Zoom Out Moving Points The program provides a “Mouse Pole” user interface. Read more…


CS559 Written Assignment 1: Imaging Update, September 20th - there were some inconsistencies in terminology that someone pointed out. I have (tried) to clarify things. If you have done the old questions, that’s OK. But the new ones might make more sense. Due Tuesday, September 23rd. Please turn a hard copy into Blayne before the deadline. Please make sure that every page has your name on it. You can turn in the hard copy by handing it to Blayne in class, or by leaving it in his mailbox on the 5th floor of CS. Read more…