
User Interface “Practice” Assignment

Due: Tuesday, October 7th (extra leniency given - see below)

The purpose of this assignment is to get you ready for doing the next programming projects (ConstructionSite and Train/Roller Coaster)

First, read over the preliminary version of the construction site project so you know what’s coming. The Project is described here.

Second, try out the example solution. See if you can figure out the user interface (the interface was designed to be simple to implement and flexible, not necessarily easy to use). There are two versions: ConstructionSite.exe that just builds the example code, and ConstructionSiteDemo.ext that adds some really simple machines. We’ll have a nicer example later.

Third, get the preliminary version of the framework code and make sure you can get it to compile. Look it over, and make sure you understand the parts that you need to modify. The code can be downloaded here.

Fourth, define a new subclass of Machine (you can copy the existing ExampleMachine .cpp/.H), and make an object that is red rather than yellow (as the example object is). Make sure to add one of these to the main routine. This step is important since you need to know how to add object types to the system.

What to turn in: email a screen shot (PNG or JPG) of your program that shows a red object to the TA by the deadline (Tuesday, October 7th). Note: because we got this assignment out late, we will be lenient with this deadline (getting it in before Friday, October 10th is OK). HOWEVER: please start early, since this practice is really just your cue to get started on the project.

Page last modified on October 08, 2008, at 02:20 PM