
FAQ for C++/VS08

December 9,2009 by gleicher BAD LINK
GraphicsTown FAQ

There is a seperate FAQ for the GraphicsTown Project at Main.GrTownFAQ

This page is just starting up, so there’s not much here yet. But we’ll add to it as we get more FAQ’s.

Linking Fatal Error

Question: I sometimes get the error

1>LINK : fatal error LNK1105: cannot close file ‘U:\Visual Studio2008\Projects\…someFile'‘‘‘The code builds fine if I close VisualStudio and reopen it, but if I try to rebuild in a single session it willgive me that error and then non-deterministically hang up (sometimes actrl-break will stop the build, other times it won’t).

Why does this happen / what can I do about it?

Answer: the problem is that you are building to a directory on AFS (I can tell since its the “U” drive)

in general, you don’t want to compile to directories across the network. not only are there performance issues, and there are wierd file-locking issues as well.

my suggestion: work to a temporary directory on the local disk, just be sure to copy you source files back to AFS when you’re done

Page last modified on December 09, 2009, at 12:26 PM