
The assignment for Project 1 says that in your documentation you need to answer questions about the project. Here they are listed explicitly.

Part 1 Questions:

There are no questions to answer except be sure to address thequestion that is raised at the end: how can we be sure that yourprogram is doing what you say its doing. Describe an image that reallyexcersizes the features of this part, and what answers you’d expect(and why).

Part 2 Questions:

Note: if your program doesn’t support multiple kernels, you can usethe sample solution or just look at the results from the samplingsolution.

Cubic interpolation (Catmul Rom) or Lanczos kernels are generallythought to be “better” than simple kernels like box, tent (linearinterpolation), or nearest neighbor.

  1. What kinds of images are you most likely to see the differences, and what would these differences look like?
  2. In what situations do the Catmul-Rom or Lanczos kernels give better results?
  3. For a black and white checkerboard, a nearest neighbor resampling will give as sharp (or maybe even sharper) result than anything else. Explain why this sharpness isn’t necessarily a good thing, and why the blurrier results you might get from a “better” filter (like a tent) are more “correct”.

Part 3 Questions:

Were given in the original assignment. Here they are again:

  1. What does your painting algorithm do? (How does it work - how does it choose where to put brush strokes? how does it decide what the brush strokes look like? how does it make the brush strokes?)
  2. What kinds of pictures does it tend to give nice results for?
  3. What kinds of pictures does it not give nice results for?
Page last modified on September 30, 2009, at 09:41 AM