
Converting scores to grades for Project 3

These scores are not out of 100 points. The median was 19.5, mean was 17.37.

Here are the rough grading conversions. Note: we are not determining the exact cutoffs - so if you’re close to a border, we’ll try to deal with you fairly after we see how other projects go.

  • =22 points for an A

  • =17 points for an AB

  • =10 points for a B

  • < 10 points for <b (so=”” <=”” bc=”” c=”” li=”” or=”” range)*="“>

*note: here there’s a little bit of a penalty for not getting the basics before going on to advanced things(so a 9.5 is actually quite a bit less than a 10, because of how the points were distributed)

Page last modified on November 25, 2009, at 05:09 PM