
Below is the grading criteria for Project 2, along with the range of possible scores and, if not intuitive, the meaning of that score. On all criteria, we gave you a score with integer value (except for “Warnings and other issues”, as noted below).

CriteriaScoring RangeScore Meaning / Notes
Date Turned In:
Time:On-Time / Late / Very-Late / Nothing Handed Inblank means on time, FL = first late (your one free late pass is used automatically)
Correct Handin:
Has Readme:0-1
Lists Machines with parameters0-1
Lists Code Changes0-1
Has Correct Files (not too many or few):0-1
Screen Shots of Machines:0-1
Machine Inventory:
Has an excavator (or equivalent):0-1
Two other most interesting (1):1 for each machine
Other Machines (list):1 for each extra machine
Builds without problems:0-1
Warnings and other issues:0, .5, 10 if many issues, .5 if <=10 issues, 1 if no issues
Code Quality Checks
General Commenting:0-20 if very minimal, 1 if OK, 2 if particularly good
Can see mechanism for computing excavator rock position:0-1
Can figure out how Machine View works for #1:0-1
Has appropriate articulations that work:0-1
Machine View Works:0-1
Driver View Works:0-1
Add Rock Works:0-20 if doesn't work, 1 if does something but not quite correct, 2 if works correctly
Has appropriate normals:0-20 if doesn't work, 1 if has a minor issue (e.g. size implemented and normals get dark), 2 if works correctly
Has interesting geometry:0-40 for very minimal (e.g. cubes), 1 for has basic shape, 2 for detailed or something nice (e.g. wheels), 3 for detailed and something nice (e.g. wheels), 4 for something really cool
Machine #1:
Creativity: (e.g. size)0-31 for fine, 2 for something neat (e.g. implements size), 3 for something really cool
Levels of articulation:1 for each levelnote: if does X levels of articulation in parallel... if X>=3, add 2 points, else if X>=2, add a point
Complexity of motion:0-3 (2 for extension)1 for simple articulation, 2 for not just articulated, 3 for something really cool
Works as expected:0-1
Has interesting geometry:0-40 for very minimal (e.g. cubes), 1 for has basic shape, 2 for detailed or something nice (e.g. wheels), 3 for detailed and something nice (e.g. wheels), 4 for something really cool
Has appropriate normals:0-20 if doesn't work, 1 if has a minor issue (e.g. size implemented and normals get dark), 2 if works correctly
Adds rocks:0-20 if doesn't work, 1 if does something but not quite correct, 2 if works correctly
Machine View Works:0-1
Driver View Works:0-1
Machine #2:
Creativity:0-31 for fine, 2 for something neat (e.g. implements size), 3 for something really cool
Levels of articulation:1 for each levelnote: if does X levels of articulation in parallel... if X>=3, add 2 points, else if X>=2, add a point
Complexity of motion:0-31 for simple articulation, 2 for not just articulated, 3 for something really cool
Works as expected:0-1
Has interesting geometry:0-40 for very minimal (e.g. cubes), 1 for has basic shape, 2 for detailed or something nice (e.g. wheels), 3 for detailed and something nice (e.g. wheels), 4 for something really cool
Has appropriate normals:0-20 if doesn't work, 1 if has a minor issue (e.g. size implemented and normals get dark), 2 if works correctly
Adds rocks:0-20 if doesn't work, 1 if does something but not quite correct, 2 if works correctly
Machine View Works:0-1
Driver View Works:0-1
Machine #3 (optional):
Creativity0-31 for fine, 2 for something neat (e.g. implements size), 3 for something really cool
max(geometry/motion/articulations)0-4see notes above
Machine #4 (optional):
max(complexity/creativity)0-4see notes above
Over All Machines This provides more weight for some of the most important features of your project, and it gives you points for doing the feature period, regardless of how many machines on which you've implemented it.
1) max(has interesting geometry)0-4depends on criteria above
2) max(add rock * #articulations)varied rangedepends on criteria above; note: adding rocks is the key technical piece, and its harder for more articulated things
3) max(creativity)0-3depends on criteria above
Page last modified on November 15, 2009, at 01:56 PM