
There were two parts to the score. To get the total score we added the scores from each part together.

The first score is “basics” - it’s the mechanics (is there a readme, picture, sample tracks), and the basic features (track, train, ride, scenery, curves, direction on flat). The score is just a count of how many of these are non-zero. The range is 3-9.

The second score is “advanced” - its the sum of all the advanced parts, underweighting the tension control, overweighting the arc length, giving an extra point for rail ties, and adding in the points for a nice train. Scores here ranged from 1 to 17.5.

Generally each criteria was graded from 0-1, 1 meaning it was there and fine, 0 it was not done, and .5 if it was ok but had a couple issues.

The exceptions and the corresponding score interpretation are listed below.

train/front:1=train w/o front2=train w/ front3=train w/ train features

scenery:1=exists2=something cool

rail ties:1 = ties2 = arc-length correct

Multi-cars:1 = multi-cars2 = arc-length correct

other:-1 to 2, based either on neat features or issues (description provided)

Page last modified on November 25, 2009, at 06:14 PM