If there is written material for lectures, I will post it on this page.
As in the past, I am making my notes available to you. However: I make no promises that these are of any use to anyone other than me. Not everything that we talk about in class is in the notes, and not everything in the notes gets discussed (you are only responsible for things we actually get to discuss).
My notes are at pub:Notes
I will also try to make audio recordings (and maybe even video, but probably not for reasons you’ll see here). No guarantees that these will be useful. However, if you do find them useful (or have ideas on what could be done to make them more useful), let me know. I’m not sure what a 50 minute mp3 file will be good for. Also, the audio quality may not be great - i’m just using my little MP3 player to record it.
The audio files are available at pub:audio