Motion Editing with Spacetime Constraints
In this paper, we present a method for editing a pre-existing motion
such that it meets new needs yet preserves as much of the original
quality as possible. Our approach enables the user to interactively
position characters using direct manipulation. A spacetime
constraints solver finds these positions while considering the entire
motion. This paper discusses the three central challenges of creating
such an approach: defining a constraint formulation that is
rich enough to be effective, yet simple enough to afford fast solution;
providing a solver that is fast enough to solve the constraint
problems at interactive rates; and creating an interface that allows
users to specify and visualize changes to entire motions. We present
examples with a prototype system that permits interactive motion
editing for articulated 3D characters on personal computers.
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BibTex references
@InProceedings{Gle97a, author = "Gleicher, Michael", title = "Motion Editing with Spacetime Constraints", booktitle = "1997 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics", pages = "139--148", month = "apr", year = "1997", url = "" }