Fast 3D Muscle Simulations Using a New Quasistatic Invertible Finite-Element Algorithm
A solid finite-element mesh representing the gluteus maximus muscle and triangulated surface meshes representing the pelvis and femur bones were created from magnetic resonance images. The muscle’s underlying fiber geometry was modeled by fitting a pennate fiber geometry template to the 3D model. A transversely-isotropic, incompressible, hyperelastic constitutive model was used to describe the stress-strain relationship in the muscle tissue. Flexion motion about the medial-lateral axis of the hip joint was prescribed as the boundary conditions, and penalty-based formulations were used to resolve muscle-bone contact. We ran simulations using a new quasi-static invertible algorithm as well as in NIKE3D, a nonlinear implicit finite-element program.
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@InProceedings{BTSFD05, author = "Blemker, Silvia and Teran, Joseph and Sifakis, Eftychios and Fedkiw, Ronald and Delp, Scott", title = "Fast 3D Muscle Simulations Using a New Quasistatic Invertible Finite-Element Algorithm", booktitle = "International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics", year = "2005", url = "" }