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Creating and simulating skeletal muscle from the Visible Human Data Set

Joseph Teran, Eftychios Sifakis, Silvia Blemker, Victor Ng Thow Hing, Cynthia Lau, Ronald Fedkiw
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 11, page 317--328 — 2005
    Download the publication : muscles_tvcg_2005.pdf [7.1Mo]  
    Simulation of the musculoskeletal system has important applications in biomechanics, biomedical engineering, surgery simulation and computer graphics. The accuracy of the muscle, bone and tendon geometry as well as the accuracy of muscle and tendon dynamic deformation are of paramount importance in all these applications. We present a framework for extracting and simulating high resolution musculoskeletal geometry from the segmented visible human data set. We simulate 30 contact/collision coupled muscles in the upper limb and describe a computationally tractable implementation using an embedded mesh framework. Muscle geometry is embedded in a non-manifold, connectivity preserving simulation mesh molded out of a lower resolution BCC lattice containing identical, well-shaped elements leading to a relaxed time step restriction for stability and thus reduced computational cost. The muscles are endowed with a transversely isotropic, quasi-incompressible constitutive model that incorporates muscle fiber fields as well as passive and active components. The simulation takes advantage of a new robust finite element technique that handles both degenerate and inverted tetrahedra.

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    BibTex references

      author       = "Teran, Joseph and Sifakis, Eftychios and Blemker, Silvia and Ng Thow Hing, Victor and Lau, Cynthia and Fedkiw, Ronald",
      title        = "Creating and simulating skeletal muscle from the Visible Human Data Set",
      journal      = "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics",
      volume       = "11",
      pages        = "317--328",
      year         = "2005",
      url          = "http://graphics.cs.wisc.edu/Papers/2005/TSBNLF05"

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