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Human recognition of action blends

Frank Pollick, Phil McAleer, Michael Gleicher, Joris Vangeneugden, Rufin Vogels
Journal of Vision, Volume 7, Number 9, page 553--553 — jun 2007

BibTex references

  author       = "Pollick, Frank and McAleer, Phil and Gleicher, Michael and Vangeneugden, Joris and Vogels, Rufin",
  title        = "Human recognition of action blends",
  journal      = "Journal of Vision",
  number       = "9",
  volume       = "7",
  pages        = "553--553",
  month        = "jun",
  year         = "2007",
  ee           = "http://journalofvision.org/7/9/553/",
  url          = "http://graphics.cs.wisc.edu/Papers/2007/PMGVV07"

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