What Shakespeare Taught Us About Text Visualization
IEEE Visualization Workshop Proceedings — oct 2012
In our work we have developed text visualization tools to
meet the needs of literary scholars. While our work in this
domain may on the surface seem quite different from other
text visualization applications, we have encountered principles
that generalize and will be useful for text data as distant
from literature as social media. The way that digital humanities
scholars use and argue about texts are not idiosyncratic
to their field: their requirements and rhetoric offer implications
for design generally, including renewed focus on outliers,
constant connection from visualizations to underlying
texts, and the ability to generate explanations for higher level
patterns by moving back and forth between these patterns and
low-level data.
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BibTex references
@InProceedings{CG12, author = "Correll, Michael and Gleicher, Michael", title = "What Shakespeare Taught Us About Text Visualization", booktitle = "IEEE Visualization Workshop Proceedings", series = "The 2nd Workshop on Interactive Visual Text Analytics: Task-Driven Analysis of Social Media Content", month = "oct", year = "2012", ee = "http://vialab.science.uoit.ca/textvis2012/paper/What-Shakespeare.pdf", url = "http://graphics.cs.wisc.edu/Papers/2012/CG12" }