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User Guide

We are in the process of developing a user guide to help people use Boxer.

At present there are only two pieces:

  1. A description of some of Boxer’s Views
  2. A walkthrough of the use cases

Until there is a more complete user guide…

The best way to learn how to use Boxer is probably to work through the use cases. These showcase different Boxer features on example data sets.

Once you’re ready to try it yourself, look at the instructions on data preparation that will help you format your data so that it can be read by Boxer.

When you are using Boxer, use the “+” at the top left to select a data set. You place new views in the workspace using the “views” panel (on the top right of the screen, below filters). Use the left or right mouse button to select the items in a Box (bars of bar charts, or squares of a confusion matrix).