TextDNA: Analyzing Text as a Sequence

TextDNA leverages the design of the Sequence Surveyor system to support large-scale overview analysis of patterns in linguistic data. TextDNA supports the comparison of ordered sets of linguistic data by visualizing the sequences as colored rows and elements within the set as colored blocks within each row. Subsequences within the sequences can also be defined and are displayed from largest to smallest within each set row. Patterns between matching elements, as defined by the dataset, can be explored by interacting with the display. The sample datasets found below contains the top 1,000 and 5,000 words per decade since 1660 according to the Google N-Grams dataset. TextDNA is also compatible with CSV files. For examples of how to use TextDNA with the sample dataset, visit the Getting Started Guide. For detailed information on how to use the system, please see the User's Guide.

TextDNA Software Package: TextDNA_0_5.air

TextDNA Sample Database: top_1000.db, top_5000.db

Plays from Shakespeare: Wordcount CSV Files

Dataset Generator (Python 2.7): Dataset Generation Script and Instructions

TextDNA Getting Started Guide: Getting Started

TextDNA Instructions for use: User's Guide


Changes in Version 0.5:



Project Page | Sequence Surveyor | TextDNA


Adobe AIR must be installed to run Sequence Surveyor and TextDNA.

Email dalbers@cs.wisc.edu for more information.