The Week in Vis 06 (Mon, Oct 7 – Fri, Oct 11): Scale

by Mike Gleicher on October 3, 2019

Week in Vis 6 Mon, Oct 7-Fri, Oct 11

This week we wrap up Design Challenge 1 with the peer reviews. They are due on Friday (since we assigned them on Friday), but you might want to get them done. DC2 is coming soon. (it should be posted this week)

The topic this week is scale – how do we deal with problems where we have “too much stuff” (that’s a reference to a song, but it doesn’t matter). We all talk about “big data” – but for vis, how do we deal with things that are big? Big may mean something different (for me, “big data” means “data that is big enough that it becomes challenging”). The ICE is designed to get you to think about strategies for dealing with large data and should set up.

Readings for the Week

These 3 things are required. The Munzner chapters are fairly short, and Alper’s paper will give you a good way to think about scalability more generally.

  1. Reduce Items and Dimensions (Chapter 13 from Munzner’s Visualization Analysis & Design) (Munzner-13-Reduce.pdf 0.4mb)
  2. Embed: Focus+Context (Chapter 14 from Munzner’s Visualization Analysis & Design) (Munzner-14-Embed.pdf 0.5mb)
  3. Sarikaya, Gleicher and Szafir. Design Factors for Summary Visualization in Visual Analytics. (web) – This is a survey of different ways of doing summarization that appear in the visualization literature. There is a lot about how the survey was conducted, but the main thing for class is to see the different categories of summarization and how they interact.

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