This is an attempt to re-create the web page for CS559 from 2008.

The original course web was created in PMWIKI, which has been hard to maintain.

This site automatically converted the pages - the formatting is very different, but most of the content has copied over. Many links are broken.

The “Home Page” was Main.Main. You might also check out Site.AllPages.

The best way to find things is probably to search for it…


Written Assignment: Curves and Texture Due on Tuesday, November 25th Answer the following questions and turn them into Blayne. You may either give him the answers on paper, or send it to him by email. If you turn things in on paper, they must be in his Mailbox (on the 5th floor) before he arrives on Wednesday morning. (remember, you can’t get to the 5th floor without an OD key after 7pm, so plan accordingly). Read more…


Written Assignment: Curves and Texture Due on Tuesday, November 25th Answer the following questions and turn them into Blayne. You may either give him the answers on paper, or send it to him by email. If you turn things in on paper, they must be in his Mailbox (on the 5th floor) before he arrives on Wednesday morning. (remember, you can’t get to the 5th floor without an OD key after 7pm, so plan accordingly). Read more…


Transformations Written Due Tuesday, October 14th. Please turn a hard copy into Blayne before the deadline. Please make sure that every page has your name on it. You can turn in the hard copy by handing it to Blayne in class, or by leaving it in his mailbox on the 5th floor of CS. (Note: you need to have an access key to get to the 5th floor after hours). Read more…


The “HelloShader” tutorial was written a ways back by a former 559 student (Cody Robson). Its useful since it shows both the C++ and GLSL sides to do things like setting up shaders and setting up textures. Some of the key functionality (loading and compiling shaders) has been put into the ShaderTools example code. As you look through these tutorials, beware that they haven’t been updated in a while so some of the details (like how to set up FlTk on CSL windows, or which extension manager to use) might be out of date. Read more…


Created by Mohamed Eldawy Based on Source Code by Cody Robson This tutorial will show you the most basic shader possible. We will have a look at very simple vertex shader and fragment shader, and see how to execute them from you C++ program. Lets get started. 1.@ Prerequisites This tutorial assumes you are already familiar with FLTK and OpenGL. If you are not sure about how to setup your program to build OpenGL programs with FLTK, please refer to CS559 Tutorial 3 for a refresher. Read more…


Created by Mohamed Eldawy Based on code provided by Cody Robson Having seen the most basic of shaders in tutorial 1, it is time to see a slightly more advanced shader program. We will be looking at shader_two.vert and shader_two.frag. 1.@ Looking at the vertex shader Let’s start by looking at the vertex shader. Open the file shader_two.vert. This is the vertex shader used for the second program // shader_two.vert // A shader using a uniform variable // declare uniform variables, these are the same for all vertices and fragments uniform float time; void main() { // Use incoming time variable to offset the position BEFORE it's transformed // by the modelview projection matrix. Read more…


Created by Mohamed Eldawy Based on code provided by Cody Robson In this tutorial we will be focusing on texturing. This example blends a texture with a fixed color on the square. 1.@ Looking at the vertex shader Let’s start by looking at our first vertex shader. Open the file shader_three.vert. This is the vertex shader used for this example // shader_three.vert // A shader that implements texturing // Notice we are using a uniform variable in the fragment shader, // but since it's unused in the vertex shader we don't need to // declare it here. Read more…


Created by Mohamed Eldawy Based on code provided by Cody Robson This tutorial will be our final GLSL tutorial. Our goal is to implement bump mapping using a shader program. 1.@ Looking at the vertex shader Let’s start by looking at our the vertex shader. Open the file shader_four.vert. // shader_four.vert // A shader that uses attribute, uniform and varying variables to // implement normal mapping. // declare attribute variables // These are specified per vertex, like glNormal and glTexCoord attribute vec3 tangent; attribute vec3 binormal; // declare uniform variables (we'll use this for the light position) uniform float slider; // declare varying variables // These are NOT passed into the vertex shader but are CREATED here. Read more…