This is an attempt to re-create the web page for CS559 from 2010.

The original course web was created in PMWIKI, which has been hard to maintain.

This site automatically converted the pages - the formatting is very different, but most of the content has copied over. Many links are broken.

The “Home Page” was Main.Main. You might also check out Site.AllPages.

The best way to find things is probably to search for it…


There are bunches of hint on the project page for 2007 (here). simple version My “simplest possible” version is really simple. It basically randomizes the order that the strokes are drawn, and draws a fixed size splotch (that is roughly a thick diagonal line (3 pixels wide, 7 pixels long, 45 degrees diagonal) for each pixel. It randomizes the color a little bit (probably not enough to really make a difference). Read more…


1.@ Collaboration Computer graphics is (usually) a team sport. In fact, learning computer graphics (and, arguably, learning in general) is best done in collaboration with others. Unfortunately, in a university class setting, we have the unfortunate constraint that we must grade individuals independently, so we need to have people work independently on graded assignments so that we can assess them. Therefore, there is a fine line between “collaboration” and “academic misconduct”. Read more…


OpenGL Practice Due October 7, 2009 The goal of this practice program is to make sure you are able to write OpenGL programs - to get FlTk to put a window up, and get some graphics drawn. For the actual projects, we will give you framework code that creates windows and stuff like that. But, in this practice assignment you should do it all yourself - it might be your only experience trying to make it work. Read more…


Practice Program 3 - Shaders and Textures There was a bug in the sample code. It has been fixed. If you get the version dated 11/23, you’ll be OK. Please put “practice 3” as the subject line in your email to the TA (don’t worry about this if you’ve already sent the email). For the final project, you are going to need to be able to use textures and shaders. Read more…


General Hints for Project Programming These hints are not project specific. They are generally answers to questions that people ask me. 1.@ A question of converting strings to floats A student asked: I was looking over the specs. on atoi and found that "If no valid conversion could be performed, a zero value is returned." I was wondering if there is anything better that you know of for doing conversions? Read more…


Update 9/12/2009 - broken link to the sample solution is fixed 1.@ Programming Practice Assignment This assignment is due on Wednesday, September 16th. The main objective of this assignment is to make sure that you have figured out the mechanics of doing programming assignments in this class: how to write C++ programs using the supported tools, and to turn things in correctly. Also, to make sure that you can read and write images using the TargaImage library. Read more…


Project 1 Grading Rubric Notes/FAQThe formatting of the emails is not as nice as it could be. If it says “-” or “0” you didn’t get any points taken off (or added, as the case may be). The headers have got a 0 in front of them. The headers are not scored however (e.g. “functions” in Blur or “functionality” in paint). Overall / Direction following -5 for very late assignments are graded independently of when they are turned in. Read more…


Below is the grading criteria for Project 2, along with the range of possible scores and, if not intuitive, the meaning of that score. On all criteria, we gave you a score with integer value (except for “Warnings and other issues”, as noted below). CriteriaScoring RangeScore Meaning / Notes Date Turned In: Time:On-Time / Late / Very-Late / Nothing Handed Inblank means on time, FL = first late (your one free late pass is used automatically) Correct Handin: Has Readme:0-1 Lists Machines with parameters0-1 Lists Code Changes0-1 Has Correct Files (not too many or few):0-1 Screen Shots of Machines:0-1 Machine Inventory: Has an excavator (or equivalent):0-1 Two other most interesting (1):1 for each machine Other Machines (list):1 for each extra machine Code: Builds without problems:0-1 Warnings and other issues:0, . Read more…