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Meta Design Studies - A Structured Approach for Deriving Domain Oriented Visualization Recommendation Strategies

Manfred Klaffenboeck, Torsten Moller, Michael Gleicher, Michael Wimmer
IEEE Vis Poster Proceedings — 2023
    Download the publication : VisPoster23-PDFA.pdf [5.5Mo]   VisPoster23_Abstract-PDFA.pdf [2.1Mo]  
    We introduce the concept of a meta design study as a structured approach to extract information from design study papers for the development of generalized tools in specific problem areas or do- mains. We explore the potential of meta design studies for creating domain-oriented visualization recommendation (VisRec) strategies. To demonstrate this concept, we present RSVP, a system derived from a meta design study conducted on Visual Parameter Space Analysis (VPSA). We outline the individual steps of the meta design study, highlight key concepts of the resulting VisRec strategy, and present a non-obtrusive implementation of this approach in RSVP.

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      author       = "Klaffenboeck, Manfred and Moller, Torsten and Gleicher, Michael and Wimmer, Michael",
      title        = "Meta Design Studies - A Structured Approach for Deriving Domain Oriented Visualization Recommendation Strategies",
      booktitle    = "IEEE Vis Poster Proceedings",
      year         = "2023",
      url          = "http://graphics.cs.wisc.edu/Papers/2023/KMGW23"

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